Sunday, July 25, 2010

First post, woooo!

Rundown old shed across from my hoose ^^

Abandoned tractor across the road

Windchime thingy in the garden (came out really green o.O)

My kitty Gwen ^_^ (she acctually stood still for all of 2 seconds)
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1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blogosphere kitten ^_^
    some constructive criticism:
    the picture of the shed could use to be filling the frame more. whatever your subject is focus in as close as you can to have a more complete picture. also you might try using the rule of 3rd to offset your picture from the center making for a more interesting photograph.
    for indoor animal pictures try using the flash if you have one. it will allow you to capture moving subjects more easily without blur.

    hope you have a lot of fun.
    ^_^ keep it up and you will get better every day ^_^
